domestically manufactured aircraft carrier
domestically manufactured aircraft carrier
The Ministry of National Defense confirmed on Thursday that the design and manufacturing of China's first domestically manufactured aircraft carrier is moving along as planned.
在27日下午召开的国防部例行记者会(press conference)上,国防部新闻发言人吴谦透露,我国首艘国产航母(domestically manufactured/made aircraft carrier)目前已完成设计工作,主船体已在坞内合拢成型(the main body has taken its shape in the dock),正在开展设备安装和舾装等建造工作(equipment and facility installation as well as outfitting are underway)。吴谦还表示,关于航母建设的后续进展情况(the follow-up progress of the aircraft carrier's manufacturing),我们将适时发布信息(information will be released in due time)。
在去年的国防部最后一次例行记者会上,国防部新闻发言人杨宇军向媒体证实,我国正在自主开展设计和建造第二艘航母(design and build the second aircraft carrier on its own)。这艘航母的设计和建造吸收了我国首艘航母"辽宁舰"科研试验和训练的有益经验(draw on the valuable lessons gleaned from the scientific tests and training conducted on China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning),在许多方面将有新的改进和提高。辽宁舰由俄罗斯制造的航母改装而成(the Liaoning is a refitted Russian-made carrier),于2012年9月25日交付中国人民解放军海军(be delivered to the People's Liberation Army Navy)。
据悉,我国第二艘航母的排水量约为5万吨级(a displacement of 50,000 tons),采用常规动力装置(conventional power plant);搭载国产歼-15战斗机和其他型号舰载机(carry domestically developed J-15 fighter jets and other ship-borne aircraft),舰载固定翼飞机采用滑跃起飞方式(fixed-wing aircraft on the carrier will use a ski-jump to take off);舰上将配有满足任务需要的各型设备。
核动力航母 nuclear-powered aircraft carrier
海洋大国 major maritime country
在建 under construction
维护海洋安全 safeguard maritime security
海洋权益 maritime interests and rights
军用/商用/民用 military/commercial/civil use
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